Writing without E

An unusual challenge: writing without using the letter e

When the author outlaws the letter e, the translator is in duty bound to follow suit!


In pursuit of his ambition to suppress the letter e,
henceforth held to be impure, from the language
of his country, King Boris issues this edict which,
of course, obeys its own injunction of purity:

« Avis à la population

Moi, Boris III, roi du pays, j’ai fait la loi qui suit : à partir d’aujourd’hui, on n’a plus droit à l’utilisation du e, ni dans la discussion ni dans un mot inscrit (dans un discours, un pli, sur un mur, au fronton d’un magasin…) On punira donc l’individu ignorant de ma loi ; qu’il soit paysan, marin, soldat, savant, marchand, duc, ou alors un bon ami à moi (y compris mon favori), tant pis pour lui.
La punition ? Moins un doigt à la main ; ainsi, voyant sa main manquant un doigt, on saura aussitôt qu’on a là un vrai idiot (ou un bandit).

Moi, roi de Poldovo par droit divin, j’ai dit. »*

To our population,

Know that I, Boris, King of this country, do proclaim this law, as follows: from this day forth, all utilization of e is illicit, both in oral communication and in writing (as in talking, in manuscripts, on walls, shop-fronts or similar). My constabulary will punish any individual infringing this law: husbandman, sailor, man-at-arms, scholar, shop assistant (man or woman), aristocrat (including my habitual companions), that is just bad luck.
How? By amputation of a digit from his hand; at sight of a hand missing a digit, all will know that this individual is just an idiot (or a bandit).

I, King of Poldovo by holy right, do thus ordain.”


And when the author takes the opposite approach, the translator must do the same.

e      Kleber de Mettemberg proclaims his intention of reclaiming the letter e.

Enlever l’e des termes, c’est mener le peuple en enfer. Je veux l’empêcher. Qu’entreprendre ? Prendre l’e en emblème, presqu’en précepte, le vénérer, le célébrer, en être le ménestrel fervent ; dresser l’épée vengeresse des Mettemberg ; fédérer mes gens, créer le cercle des rebelles ; semer le vent de l’émeute, lever le peuple, renverser ce demeuré de régent ; et me décerner le sceptre :
Kleber le Preux, Empereur de ces terres !*
To steal the e from the people will be to lead them into hell. It is necessary to prevent it. Where to begin? Elevate the e to a near precept, venerate it, celebrate it, be its fervent representative; in vengeance, wield the steel of the Mettembergs; federate my people, assemble a fellowship of rebels; engender the tempest of rebellion, defeat this egregious regent and seize the sceptre:
Kleber the Fearless, Emperor of these territories!

* Extract from Gilles Barraqué, La loi du roi Boris,
© Editions Nathan 2006, ISBN 978-2-09-250785-8